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Our Team


Paul Daelman

  • Blanc LinkedIn Icône

CEO & Founder

Director Sales & Marketing

•    Belgian Nationality
•    Born 1960, Married, 4 children.
•    University Degrees in Economic Sciences, Communication Sciences, Postgraduate Business Systems
•    Speaks English, German, Dutch, French, some Spanish and Italian
•    Started his professional career in 1982
•    Executed several senior management functions for major Belgian, Swiss and French financial institutions
•    Founded Daelman Consulting Distribution Consultants in 1991 and has advised an impressive number of global players on distribution issues across Europe


Matthieu Leclercq

  • Blanc LinkedIn Icône

Sales Support

& Dabase Manager

•    French Nationality
•    Born 1980, Married, 2 children.
•    Finance Management Degree at IUP Metz University
•    Matthieu joined Daelman Consulting in 2002 as Trainee Research and Database Manager
•    He has worked in the banking industry from 2004 to 2008
•    Then he has studied and worked several years in Australia and joined again Daelman Consulting in 2012 as Sales Support Manager

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Building Partnerships that Last

Our Team
Misty Slopes

Our Values


We execute what is agreed. And give account (report) of what we do


We stick to our words, we keep our promise



We are respectful to our clients and to the prospects


Sales is the result of seamless teamwork between our clients and us

Audacity, Tenacity

& Discernment

We relentlessly approach approved prospects

Undertaking & Reliable

We like to take initiative, however we’ll always ask client’s permission first

Our Values
Surface bleu

Our References



Grunge Blackboard Transparent



Appian Asset Management - Asset Value Investors  - Bourne Park Capital - BCPAM - Brooks Macdonald Funds – Dominion - Dr. Peters Invest GmbH - EII Capital Management  - F&C Management  - Federated Asset Management GmbH  - Federated Investors Inc - Friends Ivory & Sime  - German Investment Group LLC - HSBC Asset Management  - Legal & General Investment Management  - Liberty Investment Funds  - Lloyds Bank PLC Private Banking - M.M. Warburg & Co  - Metzler Asset Management  - Montreux Capital Management - Northern Trust Global Investments  - Octane Holding Ltd  - Parker Global Strategies  - Prescient Investment Management  -  REDS. Real Estate Distribution & Services - Rothschild Asset Management – Sagamore Investments Advisors - Setanta Asset Management - Stewart Ivory  - Scottish Widows Investment Partnership - Swiss Life Investment Services - Franklin Templeton - Third Avenue Management LLC – Triple A Management - Ventusolar Global Capital GmbH



Aachener und Münchener Beteiligung – Achmea – Aegon – AFER Europe – AGIPI – Arcolux – Aspecta Assurances International Luxembourg SA – AXA – CNP Assurances – CARDIF - Clerical Medical and General Life Assurance  - Commercial Union International Life - DBV - Deutscher Herold  - Eureko - Ethias – Euresa Life - Fortis International - Guardian Royal Exchange -  Hamburg-Mannheimer - ING  - ING Life Luxembourg - J. Rothschild International Assurance - KBC Assurances - La Hénin Vie  - Le Foyer  - Legal & General Deutschland Service GmbH - Lombard Assurance International  - Louvre Insurance Distribution - Luxembourg Hénin Vie - Luxstar - Massmutual Europe S.A. - Mutuelles du Mans - Nemian Life & Pensions - NSM Vie  - Nürnberger Beteiligungs AG - Prudential Europe - RSA Eurolife - SALI Deutschland - Scottish Mutual International - Scottish Provident International - SEB Life International Assurance Company Ltd - Skandia AFS  - Sogécap - SoGeLife - Standard Life - Standard Life Deutschland - Suravenir - Swiss Life Luxembourg - The Lawrence Life - VITIS Life Luxembourg - The Hartford Luxembourg SA -  Zurich Belgium

Fintech /


AMFINE Services & Software

Bonaire Software Solutions

Clarus Risk


Financial Risk Solutions

Jump Technology

Liss Life Software

Pack Assurance Management


Vermilion Software

Viveo Assurances


ASSET Servicers /



Asset TV

Hepta Consult

LRI Invest

Stamford Associates

Waterford Technologies

White Marble Marketing

Our References
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